
We specialize in the preparation of specifications and plans for restoration, rehabilitation, and repair of the building envelope, which includes supportive administration during construction

We repair or replacement of various elements of the exterior envelope of a building from the roof to its foundation.

We work with the Landmarks Preservation Commission to protect the historical, architectural, and aesthetic significance of buildings.

We work to ensure your facilities and EP Systems in optimal operating condition is a high priority as it's one of the most substantial investments made in the construction of a building.

We incorporate invasive and non-invasive inspections through-out the building as well as extensive photographic documentation, testing, and analysis of materials.

An apartment renovation can affect not only the individual apartment but also the quality of neighbors--not to mention the structural integrity of the building.

We smoothly navigate the intricacies of city agencies and the municipal requirements to secure multiple approvals per project.

We ensure that experienced contractors complete all phases of a project on time and within budget.

We present the designs that our expert architects and engineers develop with techniques and materials to advance efficient outcomes. 

In any instances where an expert witness testimony is required due to a legal claim, STONE, on the behalf of the owner and/or management, will act as the expert witness in providing evidence on the part of management and owner. 

Prior to inception into construction and restoration of a project, an ACM investigation is to occur dependent on the scope of work. STONE can act on behalf of management to assist in the complexities of providing an asbestos investigation prior to construction.

With so many products and design choices, STONE understands the unlimited possibilities when it comes to building upgrades, redesign, recladding or rehabilitative options.


New York City’s “Façade Inspection Safety Program” (FISP), previously known as Local Law 11, requires that Owners of buildings with more than six (6) stories above any grade have their exterior walls and appurtenances inspected periodically, in 5-year cycles. A New York State Licensed Professional Engineer or Registered Architect must conduct this inspection. Stone Engineering & Architecture, DPC, has assisted clients in staying in compliance with FISP requirements. 

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know how we can resolve your building issues.
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